1877 - Tribute to Kennedy's Sausages (and Pies) by Alan Edwards - 2007

Kennedy's, Deptford High Street, DEPTFORD

The Kennedys shop in Deptford High Street originally had a double frontage but only the right hand half of the shop was in use in later years. The left side of the shop was at one time an A.J. Kennedy's fresh fish shop. The Kennedy's fascia sign is partly hidden beneath the striped shop blind which was a modern addition. The original Dean, Putney pullout shop blinds are still located above the fascia board. Photo taken on 18/12/2007.


The left side of Kennedys shop (originally an A.J.Kennedy fresh fish shop) in Deptford High Street with a very unusual and interesting window display. Photo taken on 12th December 2007.

A view of the right hand (open) side of Kennedy's Deptford shop with an interesting window display including some small teddy bears. Photo taken on 12th December 2007.

Hand written notice in the window of Kennedy's Deptford High Street shop from Bill

The sad scene looking through the window at Kennedy's Deptford shop. A "Sorry you're leaving" balloon keeps company with a small teddy bear hanging on the display shelf behind the counter. Photo taken on 27/12/2007

After closure - Two thirds of the Kennedy's Sausages fascia sign are now fully shown in this view taken on 10/07/2008, the Kennedy's stripy blinds have now gone, there are now dark blue fittings for security shutters in preperation of the new occupiers. The low corrugated roof structure is a reminder of the relentless wartime bomb damage that Deptford suffered during WW2.

Kennedy's 20 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace - Contents Page - Kennedy's 13 Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill

 Website by Alan Edwards