Waitrose Stores have resumed free coffee for MyWaitrose members when purchasing shopping in store, the free coffee is even better than ever - using coffee beans fresh from the Nero Roasting Company. On Thursday 10/11/2022 I made a visit to my local Waitrose at Caterham to observe the  system. If I visit other Waitrose stores I will not be adding those visits to my total Alan's Nero Tour visits, I will count this one visit as a one off visit as it is not a fully operational Caffe Nero store. Customers using the self service coffee machine have to use their own keep cups or use a Caffe Nero / Waitrose keep cup purchased in store, There are no disposable cups available. Please scroll down for more photos


Waitrose store, Caterham, board outside promoting free coffee in partnership with the Nero Roasting Company.


Waitrose store, Caterham, one coffee machine was sadly out of use inside the store.


Nero Roasting Company self service coffee machine and Caffe Nero coffee to buy at Waitrose store, Caterham, 2022

Alan The legend of Alan's Nero Tour at the Waitrose store, Caterham. I had just purchased two packs of capsules.10/11/2022

New point of sale stand for Caffe Nero Coffee and cups at the Waitrose store, Caterham. July 2023

Caffe Nero / My Waitrose keep cups. I bought one at Waitrose, Caterham for my collection

Caffe Nero information panel on a shopping trolley outside the Waitrose store, Caterham.

Caffe Nero You Tube videos - contents page - Inspiration for the Blue of Caffe Nero

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 Website and photographs by Alan Edwards